Full-Time Faculty

LU Pei-Yi

Lu Pei-Yi is a curator, researcher and art critic. Her research interests mainly divide into two parts: one relates to Off-Site Art (artistic practice outside museums, including institutional critique, public art, art and city, community art, participatory art, socially-engaged art, and activist art) and another is about exhibition histories with a specific focus on Taiwan exhibition histories after the 90s, curatorial research and exhibition-making. A research-based book edited by her Contemporary Art Curating in Taiwan (1992-2012) was nominated the 10th Annual Award of Art China for Publication of the Year. Her curatorial practices include associate curator of the 8th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale: We Have Not Participated (2014); curator of Micro Micro Revolution (2015) at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) and co-curator of the 5th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition: Negative Horizon (2016) at Hong-Gah Museum. She is the founding director of the MA Program on Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art, National Taipei University of Education and now serves as an associate professor. Her publications can be found in various conferences, such as Tate Modern, World Congress of Art History (CIHA) and journals, such as Art Critique of Taiwan (ACT)Journal of Taipei Fine Art MuseumMuseum and Culture, and Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art.



Journal Articles

呂佩怡,〈藝術作為運動之殘響? 閱讀陳界仁作品「加工廠」、「路徑圖」與「殘響世界」〉,《現代美術學報》第36期(2018.12): 79-115

 LU Pei-Yi, “Why Don’t We Sing? Rethinking the Curatorial Mechanisms of the Taipei Biennial for the First Twenty Years (1996-2016)“, Journal of Art Theory and Practice (Korean Society of Art Theories), 2017 vol, no.24, pp. 104-126  (Index, National Research Foundation of Korea) (Peer Review)

LU Pei-Yi, “Three Approaches of Socially-Engaged Art in Taiwan”, Yishu-Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art 77 issues (2016 Nov/Dec.): 91-101.

呂佩怡,〈博物館作為方法:以香港民間博物館計畫為個案探討〉,《博物館與文化》第九期 (2015.6):3 -32

呂佩怡、蔣伯欣,〈當代策展的未來:運動平台與思想機器的匯流〉,《藝術觀點(ACT) 》,64期(2015.10):104-107

呂佩怡,〈「當代策展學」如何可能?〉,《藝術觀點(ACT) 》,64期(2015.10):108-115

呂佩怡,〈藝術行動進入展覽機制:探討樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動的展演機制問題〉,《藝術觀點(ACT) 》,57期(2014.01):88-97

呂佩怡,〈是不是國家館?威尼斯雙年展的台灣館與香港館〉,《Yishu中文版》,2014. 03.

LU Pei-Yi, “To Be or Not to Be National Pavilion: Taiwan Pavilion and Hong Kong Pavilion at Venice”, in Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, 58 issues, (2013 Sept./Oct.): 38-60


呂佩怡,〈Off-Site藝術初探〉,《現代美術學報》第22期( 2011.10):9-38。

呂佩怡,〈新類型公共藝術的轉譯與在地變異〉,《藝術觀點(ACT) 》第47期(2011.07):76-86

呂佩怡,〈當代藝術展演在都市更新/土地開發裡的角色〉,《藝術觀點(ACT》)第 45期 (2011.01):50-56

LU Pei-Yi, “Off-Site Art Exhibitions as Practices of‘Taiwanization’ in the 1990s”, in Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, 42 issues, (2010.09): 7-12

LU Pei-Yi, “What is Off-Site Art?” in Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, 42 issues, (2010.09): 13-27


LU Pei-Yi, Off-Site Art Curating-Case Studies in Taiwan (1987-2007), Saarbrücken (Germany): VDM Publishing, 2011 (Publication of PhD thesis)

Book Chapters

LU Pei-Yi “Art as Protest: The Forced Eviction of the Shijhou and Sa’owac Urban Indigenous Tribes in Taiwan: Two Case Studies”, in Cameron Cartiere and Leon Tan (eds.), Routledge Companion to Art in the Public Realm, London: Routledge, 2020. (Peer Review)

呂佩怡,〈複數歷史之必要:全球藝術視角下的台灣展覽史The Necessity of Taiwan Exhibition Histories: From Global Art Perspective〉,收錄於《共再生的記憶:重建臺灣藝術史學術研討會暨論壇The Renaissance of Cultural Memory: Collected Papers of the Symposium on Reconstructing Art Histories in Contemporary Taiwan, 2018》,台中:國立台灣美術館,2018,161-186頁。(研討會論文)

 LU Pei-Yi & Phoebe WONG,“Art/ Movement as a Public Platform-Artistic Creations in Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Movement”, in Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artspace, London: Routledge, 2017, p. 44-58. (Peer Review)




呂佩怡,〈國家館的欲望之翼:威尼斯雙年展中的『台灣館』與(中國)香港館〉,收錄於《2013亞洲藝術學術論壇DELTAIII 亞洲生活手勢: 手勢作為方法 論文集》,台南:國立台南藝術大學藝術創作理論博士班,2013,87-102頁。(研討會論文)

呂佩怡,〈當藝術行動進入美術館:探討樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動的展演機制問題〉,收錄於《藝術觀點(ACT)當代跨域學術論壇「影像.偶然.非秩序: 重探台灣藝術的當代性」學術研討會論文集》,台南: 國立台南藝術大學,2013,139-148頁。(研討會論文)


Edited Books and Special Issues


呂佩怡、蔣伯欣主編,〈當代策展學:邁向知識生產與思考〉,《藝術觀ACT》64期: 104-154

呂佩怡、高子衿主編,(一顆遲到的炸彈:威尼斯雙年展台灣館評審爭議特別報導專題),《典藏今藝術》 (2013.01):64-97

呂佩怡主編, 《搞空間:亞洲後替代空間Creating Spaces-Post Alternative Spaces in Asia》,台北:田園出版,2011.

LU Pei-Yi, “Off-Site Art in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China Special Issue”, Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, No. 40 (2010.09).



 呂佩怡,〈再現的文件大展 :《雄獅美術》、《藝術家》、《典藏今藝術》之報導分析〉,發表於《2019台灣藝術史研究學會年會暨學術研討會》,2019.3.30-31,台北。


LU Pei-Yi,“Who Can Sign for you? Rethink Taipei Biennial 1996-2016”, The Local Art in the Age of Globalized Biennials organized by The Korean Society of Art Theories, Korea: Seoul, 2017.5.19

呂佩怡,〈藝術作為運動之後的殘響:閱讀陳界仁作品《加工廠》、《路徑圖》與《殘響世界》〉,發表於《2017年文化研究年會-鬥‧陣‧行》, 2017.3.11,淡江大學,台北。

LU Pei-Yi, “Exhibition as Identity Making: Environmental Art (1994) and Resurgence on the Tamshui River (1995) in Taiwan as Case Studies”, The 34th World Congress of Art History (CIHA), China Central Academy Of Fine Arts, China: Beijing, 2016.9.15-21.

LU Pei-Yi & Phoebe Wong, “Art/ Movement as a Public Platform-Artistic Creations in Sunflower Movement and the Umbrella Movement”, 2016 AAG Annual Meeting (Association of American Geographer), USA: SF, 2016.3.29-4.2

LU Pei-Yi, “Three Approaches of Socially-Engaged Art in Taiwan”, Dislocations: Remapping Art Histories organized by Tate Research Centre, Tate Modern, UK, 2015.12.3-4.

LU Pei-Yi,“Socially-Engaged Art in Taiwan”, Transcultural Landscapes on Art and Ecology Symposium, The Whitworth (Manchester University), Manchester, UK, 2015.7.3

呂佩怡,〈藝術/運動作為公共平台的可能〉,發表於《公共製造-財產、抗爭、公/共與藝術的另類經濟論壇Make in Public- Property, Protest, Commons, and the Alternative Economies of Art》,香港亞洲文獻庫與台北當代藝術中心主辦,2014.9.18-20。



LU Pei-Yi,“Off-Site Art Exhibitions as Practices of Taiwanization in the 1990s”, Propaganda and Art during and after the Cold War”, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan: Tokyo, 2012.3.23-25.

呂佩怡,〈弔詭關係:當代藝術與都市更新之間〉,發表於《2011年文化研究年會》,真理大學, 台北, 2011.01.08-09。

Research Projects

呂佩怡,《歐美國際大型展覽與台灣當代藝術策展之關係探討(一): 以文件大展為

研究案例》,105年度科技部補助專題研究計畫,2016.2.1-2017.2.1 (計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-152-001) 。



Catalogue Articles

呂佩怡,〈我們正在參與:台灣情境We are Participating: Taiwan Context〉,收錄於《我們從未參與:第八屆深圳雕塑雙年展 The 8thSchenzhen Sculpture Biennale: We have never Participated》,廣州:嶺南美術出版社,2018,39-62。

呂佩怡,〈穿越銀幕-螢幕: 「負地平線」之動態影像策展思考 Passing through Screen-Reflection on Moving Image Curating of “Negative Horizon”〉,《2016第五屆國際錄像藝術展:負地平線2016 The 5th Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition》,台北:鳳甲美術館,2017,8-20。

LU Pei-Yi, “The Power of Action: YAO Jui-Chung and Mirage I-Disused Public Property in Taiwan”, in Mirage: Disused Public Property in Taiwan, Taipei: Garden city Publishing, 2016.


呂佩怡,〈不可見 / 可見:探討「樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動」之力量〉,收錄於《樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動》,台北:竹圍工作室,2012,295-309頁。

呂佩怡,〈行動的力量所在: 姚瑞中與『台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查』〉,收錄於《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查I》,台北:田園出版,2011,48-56。

呂佩怡,〈台灣政府的公共建設政策,選舉文化與姚瑞中的「海市蜃樓: 台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查計劃」〉,收錄於《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查IV》,台北:田園出版,2014。(同時收錄於《亞洲空間連線》,首爾:韓國文化觀光體育部,2014)